November 30, 2008
JeLlY BeAnS-
I don't have any kids myself but I do have two nieces. Claircee a 5 year old and Emma a 6 month old. Emma is just learning how to grab things and she found out that she had ears the other day. Claircee on the other hand has a mind of her own. She is Miss Sassy Pants, and does whatever she wants. The other day me, my sister Brittany, her husband Nic, and Emma and Claircee went to Shopko. Nic had Emma in the carseat and went into the electronics while me Claircee, and Britt went to the back of the store to look for clothes. We got all the way to the back of the store and Britt said "Claircee do you like this outfit?" Claircee did not answer. Britt looked around then looked at me and said "Where is Claircee?" I told her I did not know. We went on a hunt to find her, and guess where I found here. By the Jelly Belly dispenser. She was pulling the handle that you usually pull to put them in bags but NO she was just shoving them in her mouth and pockets. I laughed and then had to put on a serious face. I told her that there were cameras and they were gonna come and get her now that she ate all of those jelly beans. And you know what that little turd told me? "But Kahwi (she can't say some R's it is so cute) these are not just Jelly Beans they are Jelly Bellys." Then she continued to tell me about all of the flavors that there were. And she said "Look there is even a Dr. Pepper one." Cause she knows I like Dr. Pepper. I just tried not to laugh and told her we better go cause her mom was mad and the Shopko police would come and get her if she ate anymore. Kids do and say the darndest things!

November 29, 2008

Well me and my mom started decorating for Christmas today. I am so excited. We have not got the tree up yet, but our house has lights and decos are up. My trees are decorated and in my room and my village is all set up. Instead of ornaments each year cause we just got to many my mom buys each of us a house. Well I guess only me and my sister Lindsey and we do a village. But she took all of her houses so now mine just stand alone.

November 27, 2008
One of my sissy poos!
Well I just wanted to post a picture of me and one of my sisters Lindsey. I love her to pieces and we got to chill and eat pie today! I love you Lins!

What I am thankful for
Well I have to admit, I cheated also and have been listening to Christmas songs for a while. Since it first snowed up in Kamas. But I also cheated and looked at Jami Newman's blog and she was saying what she was thankful for. And I really need to do that. I am SO thankful for my health. I have had a rough last four years but now I am actually doing better than I have since I was thirteen. Like you said Jami you take for granted your health, and I did until now. I am so thankful for that. I am also very thankful for my family. They were there all through my sickness. Especially my mom and dad. I was never left alone, just ask any of my nurses. And I am also thankful for my friends who have helped me through all of my touch times and would be there for anything and if I needed anything then they would be there in a heartbeat. I am thankful that my brother was a perfect match for the bone marrow transplant. And I am glad that he was willing to give me his bone marrow. Well I am thankful for everything that I have. I am so blessed it is not even funny. And I am thankful for all of my doctors and nurses and techs and CNAS who took care of me. Without you guys I would not be here. Thank you everyone for your kindness and love. I love you all. Happy Thanksgiving!
November 26, 2008
gObBlE GoBbLe

This is my Grandma Joyce from Idaho that came up to spend Thanksgiving dinner with us. She is THE MOST AMAZING grandma ever. She cooks YUMMY food. I love all of her recipies. Right now she is making a Macaroni Shrimp Salad- 1 pkg Macoroni, 2 cans of shrimp, 3/4 of a bottle of sweet pickles chopped up, 2 cups of grated cheese, 4 boiled eggs (if you want), 1 cup of frozen peas or 1 can of peas drained, Dressing- 1 cup of miracle whip, vinegar, powdered sugar to taste, salad oil. Taste the dressing after to make sure that it is good. My grandma measures her way. But anyways that is a good recipe. She also made

My baby dogs..
These are my babies. Cause for right now I d
on't have any human ones so these are mine. The yorkies name is Boaz but we just call him Bo. What I should have done was take a pic of all of the things that he has chewed up. And then Mimi is the shitzu yorkie mix. She thinks she is a princess. And I guess my mom and I kind of treat her like one. She will ONLY drink from the sink. Jami John Newman you will like this blog.

November 25, 2008
The Holy War

Well as some of you may know that my fam are definate BYU Cougar fans. Me on the other hand..... I guess you could say I am the rebel. Totally Utah for me. We actually went to lunch the saturday that the game was being played with my aunts Lori, and April. We ate at spaghetti mamas. WOW it was good. And while we were there we saw so many people dressed in blue and red. More in red though because it was Salt Lake. My brother in law Nic and his brother Bubba love the Utes so I decided to bet Bubba dinner that BYU would win just to make him mad. Well to much dismay who is the one

November 22, 2008
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