Brian- You will always be in my heart! Your strength and faith and drive will always be in my heart. You had such an impact on me and you whenever I feel like giving up I will just think of you! You are the most amazing person in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD. As tommorrow marks a year since you have been gone I want you to know that you are forever and always in my heart. I love you Brian thank you so much for all that you did and the example you were to me and my family! We will meet again and be able to talk and get to know each other more!
To Alisa, Stef, Tiff, and Amber and their husbands and kids, and Brians family- I am with you tomorrow even though I am not in Vernal! You guys are an outstanding beacon of strength to me. You are all amazing and Brian was so lucky to have you. He loved you guys so much and he IS ALWAYS WITH YOU!! You WILL see him again. I love you guys so much!
Alisa, Stef, Tiff, and Amber- Know that I am praying for you every minuet of tomorrow! Be strong Brian would not want you to cry he would want you to celebrate his life! You guys are so strong and you will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be in my heart. I love you all so much! Please let me know if I can do anything for you guys. Keep Smiling you guys are amazing!
Brian- Rest In Peace! I love ya tons!
Remeber your God does not close one door without opening another! I LOVE YOU ALL!