Me, my niece Claircee, my sisters Lindsey and Brittany, and my cousins Chelsea and Melanie all got to go to Taylor Swift's concert! It was SO GOOD. She does an excellent job. Claircee loves Taylor Swift and was so excited to go to her concert. She sang along as loud as she could to most of the songs. Especially her favorite ones- Picture to burn, Should have said no, Fifteen, You belong to me, and Our song. But on one part of the concert it got to loud so she had to go out in the hall. But it was so much fun to just go with my sisters' and niece and hang out. and have a girls night out! There will be more pictures to come. There are pictures of her, the stage (which she had planned ever since she was like six she had dreamed about having her first tour stage like this) And then some of her tour bus! Kellie Pickler was supposed to sing with her and before her but she was sick so that was a bummer, cause I love Kellie Pickler as well as Taylor Swift. But she did have Gloriana open for her. If you have not heard of them download there songs. They are great~!